Spring House Golf League

Home.Match Results.Standings.Handicaps.Schedule.Rosters.
Home.Match Results.Standings.Handicaps.Schedule.Rosters.


Rules are a necessary part of the game, but keep in mind that the object of the golf league is to foster socialization, sportsmanship, and recreation.

All United States Golf Association (USGA) rules will apply to the league except as stated in the special league rules below.  It is the responsibility of teams and individuals to consult with the rules committee as to interpretations of rules.


Preferred Lie

a.  Preferred lie (adjusting the position of the ball) is to be used in your own fairway only.

b.  The ball may be moved, using a club, up to 6 inches from side to side or backwards, but not closer to the hole.

c.  Anywhere on your own fairway, you may pick up your ball and clean if there is mud or debris visible on the ball. The ball must be dropped back onto the fairway as near as possible to the spot where it lay but not nearer the hole. It can then be moved according to item b.

d.  If a player violates this rule by taking a preferred lie other than in his or her own fairway, he or she will be penalized two strokes and loss of hole.


Embedded Ball or "Plugged Ball" Rule

a.  Anywhere on the course, other than in hazards, a ball which is embedded in its own pitch-mark in the ground may be lifted without penalty, cleaned, and dropped as near as possible to the spot where it lay but not nearer the hole.

b    If your ball is embedded in your own fairway, you may pick it up and clean it at your own discretion. The ball must be dropped back onto the fairway, but can then be moved according to item b under Preferred Lie.  

c.   If your ball is embedded in another fairway, the rough, or second cut consult with your opponent to get agreement that your ball is embedded before lifting it.  

d.   If you lift your ball and find that it is not embedded in the ground, you must replace your ball in the same lie and give your opponent an opportunity to observe the replacement.  A ball that is found not to be embedded may not be cleaned.

e.   If a player violates this rule he or she will be penalized two strokes and loss of hole.


Lost Ball or Ball Out of Bounds

a.  The search for a lost ball must not exceed two minutes.

b.  A lost ball which is presumed by both the player and the player’s opponent to be in play (not out of bounds or in a hazard) shall be replaced, without penalty, at a position, to the best approximation of the player and the opponent, where the ball came to rest. When putting the replacement ball in play, it shall be dropped from shoulder height. A lost ball cannot be presumed to have come to rest in a fairway.

c.  If, after playing the dropped ball as per part b, the player finds the original ball, the original ball shall be picked up and play shall continue with the replacement ball.

d.  If a ball goes out of bounds, there is a penalty of one stroke, and a replacement ball shall be dropped from shoulder height within two club lengths (driver maximum) but not closer to the hole from the spot where you and your opponent agree that your ball went out of bounds.


Pickup Rule

a. If a player has not reached within one club length (driver length maximum) of the green in double par, the player must pickup his or her ball.

b. The hole should be marked on the scorecard with an “X”. The score for medal play will be counted as double par plus a 2 stroke penalty (e.g., X = 10 on a par 4).

c. A player who is forced to pickup according to part a. automatically loses the hole, except if the player’s opponent also must pickup according to part a., in which case the hole is automatically halved (regardless of handicaps).

d. If a player is within one club length (driver maximum) of the green when reaching double par (or less), the player may continue to play the hole.

e. If the player holes out at double par +1 or +2, the hole is scored accordingly and parts b. and c. do not apply.

f.  If the player does not hole out by the time he or she reaches a score of double par +2, the player must pick up and parts b. and c. do apply.

g. A player may elect to pickup at any time before reaching double par and parts b. and c. Apply.

Conceding Putts (“Gimmies”)

Putts may be conceded during a match (except during the playoffs) at the discretion of the opponent of the player who is making the putt.  In the event that opponents have not been established prior to the match, either player from a team may concede a putt to an opposing player.  If a player assumes that a putt has been conceded when no concession was made, and as a result removes his or her ball (by picking up or knocking the ball away from the hole), the ball must be placed as closely as possible to its last position and putted.  A one stroke penalty is incurred for the infraction.